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While dealing with mental crisis I was introduced to Minplan

My sister introduced me to Minplan when I was in the midst of a severe personal mental crisis. And my first thought was that an online platform wasn´t for me; I needed ‘real’ people to assist me. But I´ve tried many therapy groups and joined many groups; some were successful, while others I left after the first meeting. So I went away, began reading about it, and then finished the onboarding program.

The first week flew by, not because I wasn´t worried or in a bad mood, but because I couldn´t stop thinking about what coping strategies I should try next. That was all I needed to keep going. Week after week, I worked on my coping strategies and the Hope book, and in the end, I became a much happier person. Never in my wildest dreams did I think that would be possible.

Embracing the challenges

Change isn´t always simple. There will also be difficulties along the way. My relationship with my siblings needed to evolve. We had to go over some specifics about what to do in a mental crisis; the key is to plan ahead of time and think things through so that there is no temptation. The most difficult challenge has been finding new strategies that I enjoy in order to maintain them and make time for them. I´m trying new things and have discovered some that I now do on a daily and weekly basis, such as yoga, deep breathing, and positive thinking. The reality is that it is far simpler than I had anticipated.

Minplan´s best features have been the Inspiration bank and the Hope book. I’ve done some lovely work that I´m proud to show my children. They all contribute to the various elements, and the Hope book is now filled with hope and joy. My husband makes extensive use of it, and the group chats help to maintain hope. It also lets you know that you are not alone on this journey and that others share your concerns. It´s brilliant to have someone in the network to turn to when my confidence wavers or I have a nagging question. I also enjoy the in-depth thinking that it requires. I never imagined an online app could be useful, but I was proven wrong!

Continuing to learn along the way

I´ve learned a lot since starting my journey. Some things I already knew, while others I hadn´t even considered. I now have a much better understanding of how to change my mindset as a mental crisis worsens. So the most significant change I´m making is to improve my health. It was necessary for me to concentrate solely on myself. Furthermore, the coping strategies are becoming habitual, and I have recently begun to focus on relaxation and stress-reduction techniques that I would not have attempted at all six months ago.

Of course, I´m concerned about my husband, but I know it´s possible to find my happy place; I just need
To make the steps I take into daily habits.

If, like me, you have difficulty caring for someone you care about, give Minplan a try. So, if you want to connect with others and be given resources on how to live a healthy mental life while worrying about a loved one, the Minplan is the key to unlocking the happier you!

You can read more Minplan stories here.

Poul: “This is what quality of life is about”


Jean: “Minplan have changed my life!”